- Køb kan returneres for tilbagebetaling inden for 14 dage efter modtagelse af produktet/produkter.
- Returret træder i kraft fra den dag, du modtager produktet/produkterne.
- For at din ret til returnering skal være gyldig, skal alle produktet/produkterne returneres ubrugt og i samme stand som ved afsendelse.
- For at returnere dit produkt/produkterne, skal du bruge vores online formular:
- Følg instruktionerne i linket for at returnere dit produkt/produkter.
- Ved brug af din ret til returnering vil det fulde beløb overføres tilbage til den konto, der blev brugt til køb, forudsat at vi har modtaget produktet/produkterne i samme stand som ved afsendelse.
- Purchases can be returned for a refund within 14 days of receipt of the product/products.
- Right of return enters into force from the day you receive the product/products.
- For your right of return to be valid all products must be returned unused and in same condition as when shipped
- To refund your product, use our online return form:
- Follow the instructions on the link to return your product.
- You can use your right of return by not accepting the product/products or by personally delivering the package on abovementioned address.
- By using your right of return the full paid amount will be transferred back to the account used for purchase provided that we have received the product/products in the same condition as when shipped cf. above.
- By attaching the order confirmation in the package you will receive a quicker turnaround.
Note: We do not accept packages C.O.D